About Us

Our Inspiration

At Valy, our journey began with a deep-rooted belief in the power of faith to guide us through life's challenges. Inspired by one of our favorite verses, Psalm 23:1–6, which speaks of finding peace and strength in the Lord, we embarked on a mission to create a brand that reflects this steadfast commitment to faith.

Our Mission

Valy is more than just a brand; it's a movement dedicated to empowering Christian athletes to boldly represent their faith on and off the field. Our mission is to provide a platform for athletes to showcase their devotion to Jesus Christ, fostering a community of faith-driven excellence and resilience.

How We Started

Valy was founded in 2024 by Dylan Staff, who started the business in 8th grade after experiencing difficulty finding clothing that reflected his Christian faith as an athlete. Recognizing the power of apparel as a form of self-expression, Dylan launched Valy with a mission to provide Christian athletes with clothing that boldly represents their faith on and off the field. Today, Valy stands as a testament to Dylan's vision and determination, continuing to inspire athletes worldwide to live out their faith in every aspect of their lives.